SAI-3880D发电机保护测控装置定制 点击查看详情

   日期:2021-07-08     来源:互联网    作者:admin    浏览:1041    
单 价面议
Two technical parameter
2.1 Rated parameters
2.1.1Rated DC voltage: 220V or 110V (order indicated)
2.1.2 Rated AC data:
a) Phase voltage V
2.5 mechanical properties
2.5.1 vibration
The device can withstand the vibration endurance test of the I level of 16.3 in the GB7261.
2.5.2 impact
The device can withstand the impact endurance test of the I level of 17.5 in the GB7261.
2.5.3 collision
The device can withstand the impact endurance test of the GB7261 level of I in the eighteenth chapter.
2.6 environmental conditions
A) ambient temperature: Work: -40 C ~ 85.
Storage: 25 degrees to +70 degrees Celsius, in the limit value does not apply the amount of incentive, the device does not appear irreversible change
After the temperature is restored, the device should be able to work properly.
Relative humidity: the maximum monthly average relative humidity of 90%, while the average monthly average of.
The lowest temperature is 25 DEG C and no condensation surface. When the maximum temperature of +40 degrees Celsius, the average maximum relative humidity
Degree no more than 50%.
(c) atmospheric pressure: 86 to 106kPa (relative altitude below 2km)
2.2.4 precision of various components
Current component: <5%
Voltage components: <5%
Time element: 0s-1s, the error is not more than 40ms;
1s above, the error is not more than < + 2.5%;
Frequency deviation: <0.02Hz
2.2.5 the entire set of action time (including the inherent time of the relay)
Time of motion of a fast moving segment:
1.2 times the value of the entire set of measurement, not more than 50ms
2.2.6 transient transcendence
No more than 5%
2.2.7 og measurement loop accuracy
Measurement and control device for installing special measurement sub module:
Current, voltage: 0.2
Power and electric degree: 0.5
2.3 insulation performance
2.3.1 insulation resistance
Device for charged and uncharged part and a casing and electrical contact of the circuit between the open circuit voltage of 500V megohm meter measuring the insulation resistance value, normal test atmospheric conditions, the circuits of each class of insulation resistance should not be less than 100m ohm.
2.3.2 medium strengthUnder normal test conditions, the device can withstand the frequency of 50Hz, voltage 2000V lasted 1 minutes of power frequency voltage withstand test without breakdown flashover and component damage. During the test, the other circuit is connected to the ground with the other circuit when the voltage is applied.
3.10 stator overvoltage protection
For generator, in particular to a hydro generator, after load rejection due to the speed control of speed control system can not keep up, is easy to appear the stator voltage exceeds the allowed range of over voltage phenomena; at this point to be equipped with over voltage protection, protection from the generator terminal voltage when any phase of more than setting value by setting the delay action to stop.
3.11 stator ground protection
Generator stator grounding protection can for the generator neutral point ungrounded or via arc suppression coil grounding grounding, protection from the generator end opening of the delta winding voltage when open delta windings voltage greater than setting value by setting the exit delay.

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